NAA: A1, 1915/7693

Koch, Margarethe

Digital copy - 32764


Occupation as writtenBookkeeper
Standardised occupationPP02: Public services and Professionals - Local administration
Application received18 Jun 1915
Application status Approved
Date of approval or denial2 Aug 1915
If rejected, why?
Birthplace as writtenHarburg, Hanover, Geermany
Modern countryGermany
Age on application67
Age on arrival in Australia35
Port of DepartureHanover
Port of ArrivalPort Melbourne
Date of arrival12 Aug 1883
Name of shipAmalfia
VoyageAmalfi (1883-08-12)


Address in AustraliaBenalla
Address StateVictoria
Time at address32 years



1 daughter


Name of referenceFrederick George Roswell
Occupation of referenceJustice of the Peace (Victoria)
Marginalia description

Police report attachedYes
Link to other applicant

Why are they applying?

Other information

Only just discovered not British and struggling to 'make a living'

Further comments

Police Report, Benalla, 12 July 1915, p.2-3: ‘The old Lady believed she was a British subject’ and has nephew fighting w/ Australians but ‘feels that there is a prejudice against her & states she is scarcely able to make a living. She has knitted socks & gloves for the local organisations but hearing that she only does it for a purpose she refrained from going to however she kept on helping and have sent 28 pairs of socks to the Miss Vickers Teachers… and is still helping’. She does it for free and ‘none of the local residents know anything about it’. Had come to Australia in 1888 after husband died in order to visit sister, but sister died just after she arrived, so stayed to raise the kids. Letter from son/nephew on p.14