NAA: A1, 1920/14909

Reynders, Annette Josephine

Digital copy - 39076


Occupation as writtenno occupation
Standardised occupationXX00: Other - Other
Application received6 Aug 1920
Application status Approved
Date of approval or denial1 Sep 2020
If rejected, why?
Birthplace as writtenWodonga, Victoria
Modern countryAustralia
Age on application32
Age on arrival in AustraliaNone
Port of DepartureNone
Port of ArrivalNone
Date of arrivalNone
Name of shipNone


Address in AustraliaSelwyn Street, Wollstonecraft, Sydney c/c A. Naish, Esq. Union Bank Sydney
Address StateNew South Wales
Time at address



1 6 year old daughter, living at home


Name of referenceAlbert Naish
Occupation of referenceJustice of the Peace (New South Wales)
Marginalia description

Police report attachedYes
Link to other applicant

Why are they applying?

Other information

Hunt to applicant, 17 May 1920, p.14: met Kellie Smith and told that she wanted to be renaturalised. 'Having married a foreigner you lost that nationality and the only way to reinstat yourself now is by applying'

Further comments

See also NAA: MT269/1, VIC/HOLLAND/REYNDERS ANETTE, REYNDERS Anette: Nationality - Dutch: First registered at Caulfield (Meelbourne, 1916-18)

Hunt to applicant, 17 May 1920, p.14: AH tells her to include a cover 'letter explaining that you properr home is in Australia, but that you were absent purely on a visit to your sister in the Malay States.'
Applicant to Hunt, 26 July 2020, p.10: 'of British parents' and born in Australia, and 'became of Dutch nationality merely through marriage. I have lived in the Commonwealth all my life with the exception of a short time in Java and Malay States just after my marriage, and a visit to my sister lay year to the same places.' Husband dead 4 years.

19 August 1920, Police Report, p.7: not a lot of information availabl, so 'a good character'