NAA: A446, 1955/25377

Hankin, Véronique-Renée

Digital copy - 8859561


Occupation as writtenclerk
Standardised occupationIS01: Industrial service - Accountants and Clerks
Application received9 Sep 1920
Application status Approved
Date of approval or denial27 Oct 1920
If rejected, why?
Birthplace as writtenNice, France
Modern countryFrance
Age on application28
Age on arrival in Australia11
Port of DepartureNice
Port of ArrivalMelbourne
Date of arrival1 Jul 1903
Name of shipVille de La Ciota
VoyageVille de La Ciota (1903-07-01)


Address in Australia175 Chapel St. Windsor Melbourne
Address StateVictoria
Time at address17 years




Name of referenceJohn. R J Allingham
Occupation of referenceCaterer (Victoria)
Marginalia description

9 Sept 1920: she's written a letter wanting to apply, and pencilled 'Reasons asked', 9/9/20, p.24.

Mother claims whole family naturalised 18 years before but penciled that cannot be found.

Police report attachedYes
Link to other applicant

Why are they applying?

Other information

Véronique-Renée to Sect, 21/9/20 p.22: 'As a French-woman I am under the jurisdiction of my nearest male relative until my marriage; I wish to be my own mistress.' Had considered returning to Franch until recently. Sister married and settled in Austr. and 'the prohibitive passage-rates charged these days preclude one from indulging even in dreams.'

Further comments

Investigative Branch Report, 12 Oct 1920: French mother also lived in Australia, as do siblings. She was married to a RUssian (the father? probably not as Statutory Declaration states father and mother both French). Mother claims whole family naturalised 18 years before but penciled that cannot be found.

1955 is her requesting a new certificate copy. They give the awarding from Jan 1921.