NAA: A1, 1913/9367

Fischer, Caroline

Digital copy - 15679


Occupation as writtenPoultry raising
Standardised occupationAG03: Agriculture - Breeding
Application received11 Jun 1913
Application status Approved
Date of approval or denial12 Jun 1913
If rejected, why?
Birthplace as writtenSöderåkra, Kalmar, Sweden
Modern countrySweden
Age on application61
Age on arrival in Australia37
Port of DepartureSweden
Port of ArrivalMelbourne
Date of arrival18 Aug 1888
Name of shipBremen
VoyageBremen (1888-08-18)


Address in AustraliaRosebery Avenue, North Brighton
Address StateVictoria
Time at address14 years
Previous address 1Fitzroy
Address StateVictoria
Time at address2 years
Previous address 2Carlton
Address StateVictoria
Time at address3 years
Previous address 3Northcote
Address StateVictoria
Time at address3 years




Name of referenceDavid Kidd
Occupation of referenceJustice of the Peace (Victoria)
Marginalia description

Police report attachedNo
Link to other applicant

Why are they applying?

Other information

George Pearce Addiezell, 21/6/13, p.3: she 'cannot understand why she is not intiteled to receive pension, as she is very Poor and without any means, at present. She has parted with almost all her goods, and said she will have to part with her Fowls, if she does not get releif soon. I have known Mrs Fischer for years and she is respectable, and deserving of the Pension, so far as I know. She is also an invalade having had one or two opperations performed some years ago.' AH writes back 17th,p.4 already appr

Further comments

George Pearce Addiezell, 21/6/13, p.3: she 'cannot understand why she is not intiteled to receive pension, as she is very Poor and without any means, at present. She has parted with almost all her goods, and said she will have to part with her Fowls, if she does not get releif soon. I have known Mrs Fischer for years and she is respectable, and deserving of the Pension, so far as I know. She is also an invalade having had one or two opperations performed some years ago.' AH writes back 17th,p.4 already appr
