NAA: A1, 1914/3260

Dost, Maria

Digital copy - 28316


Occupation as writtenmarried woman
Standardised occupationXX00: Other - Other
Application received30 Jun 1913
Application status Already a Subject
Date of approval or denial8 Jul 1913
If rejected, why?
Birthplace as writtenCrossen of Oder, Brandenburg, Prussia, Germany
Modern countryGermany
Age on application75
Age on arrival in Australia7
Port of DepartureCressen, Germany
Port of ArrivalPort Adelaide
Date of arrival18 Sep 1845
Name of shipPartell
VoyagePartell (1845-09-18)


Address in AustraliaRosenthal
Address StateSouth Australia
Time at address50 years
Previous address 1Lobethal
Address StateSouth Australia
Time at address18 years
Previous address 2Klemsig
Address StateSouth Australia
Time at address3 months



10: 6 boys and 3 girls, 1 dead. Adelaide Tanunda and Rosenthal


Name of referenceFriedrich Hermann Wolf
Occupation of referenceJustice of the Peace (South Australia)
Marginalia description

p.1: 'German'

Police report attachedNo
Link to other applicant

Why are they applying?

Other information

Hunt to her, 27 February 1914, p.1: says that he 'regret' that can't help over the fact that refused a pension between Sept 1910 and August 1913.

p.2, Maria to AH, 22 Feb 1914: was too invalided to travel to a Magistrate to take the oath to get naturalised. 'I had to wait such a long time until it was convenient for a Magistrate to come to my house.' It turns out her husband's naturalisation should always have applied to her, and wants it backdated over the 5 years she was delayed.

Further comments

Husband naturalised in 1908: NAA: A1, 1908/10059, Johann Heinrich Gustav Dost. Naturalization (1908)