NAA: A1, 1905/2139

Gelberg, Matilda

Digital copy - 2830


Occupation as writtenDressmaker
Standardised occupationMF23: Manufacturing - Dress
Application received30 Mar 1905
Application status Approved
Date of approval or denial14 Apr 1905
If rejected, why?
Birthplace as writtenBylistok, Godne, Russia
Modern countryRussia
Age on application36
Age on arrival in Australia21
Port of DepartureRussia
Port of ArrivalMelbourne
Date of arrival1 Sep 1889
Name of shipSS Salier
VoyageSalier (1889-09-01)


Address in AustraliaMalvern, Melbourne
Address StateVictoria
Time at address5 years
Previous address 1Caulfield, Melbourne
Address StateVictoria
Time at address
Previous address 2Kew
Address StateVictoria
Time at address3 years
Previous address 3Glenferrie, Melbourne
Address StateVictoria
Time at address5 years




Name of referenceThomas Francis Walsh
Occupation of referenceConstable of Police, Malvern, Victoria
Marginalia description

Police report attachedNo
Link to other applicant

NAA: A1, 1905/2138: Gelberg, Rosale


Why are they applying?

Other information

Further comments

SS Salier was built in 1874 at Hull, by Earle's Shipbuilding & Engineering Co., for Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen, Germany.

Her forms are sent by a firm of solicitors, and her mothers request is attached - Linked to 1905/2138 Gelberg, Rosale