NAA: A1, 1920/7999

Bakker, Gertrude Anna Maria

Digital copy - 38703


Occupation as writtenDomestic Service
Standardised occupationDS01: Domestic service - Indoor service
Application received15 Apr 1920
Application status Approved
Date of approval or denial26 May 1920
If rejected, why?
Birthplace as writtenAlkmaar, North Holland, Netherlands
Modern countryNetherlands
Age on application44
Age on arrival in Australia42
Port of DepartureNew Zealand
Port of ArrivalSydney
Date of arrival11 Mar 1918
Name of shipRiverina
VoyageRiverina (1918-03-11)


Address in Australia219 Macquarie Street, Sydney
Address StateNew South Wales
Time at address
Previous address 1Granville, Carcoar, Katoomba, Leeton
Address State
Time at address




Name of referenceJohn Brady Nash
Occupation of referenceJustice of the Peace (New South Wales)
Marginalia description

p.1 'Dutch'

Police report attachedNo
Link to other applicant

Why are they applying?

Other information

p.10, letter, nd - she had been back and forth to Australia/Netherlands for 6 years, and thought she might live with her brother back in Amsterdam, but now 'I wish to live here for the remainder of my life.

Further comments

22 April 1920: Hunt writes asking for proof that Dutch. Approved 26/5/20. AFTER WAR – 1920

p.14 - AH tells her that she has to prove that she is Dutch (which she does) and explain why wanting nat.