NAA: A1, 1919/10905

Preston, Sadie J.

Digital copy - 37793


Occupation as writtenNone
Standardised occupationXX00: Other - Other
Application received1 Jan 1919
Application status Denied
Date of approval or denial5 Aug 1919
If rejected, why?husband still living
Birthplace as writtenNone
Modern countryAustralia
Age on applicationNone
Age on arrival in AustraliaNone
Port of DepartureNone
Port of ArrivalNone
Date of arrivalNone
Name of shipNone


Address in Australia
Address State
Time at address




Name of referenceNone
Occupation of referenceNone
Marginalia description

p.1 'F'

Police report attachedNo
Link to other applicant

Why are they applying?

Other information

wartime problems. Born AUstralian and never left Australia.

Further comments

British-born. Husband Austrian. Rejected as husband still living (McGlynn, 5 August 1919, p.12). Applications made repeatedly, and pushed by F. J. Hawkes, Esq., English Scottish & Australian Bank, Sydney, on behalf of husband and wife.

Husband, Max Preston, interned. He's Czecho-Slovak and interned in ENgland (p.8 letter from Hawkes). McGlynn himself writes, p.12, 5 August 1919, to tell Hawkes that his sister (the applicant) cannot be reinstated as 'it being contrary to the policy of the Department to grant naturalization to women whose husbands are living, and are of alien nationality; in other words, the Department does not concider it desirable that husband and wife should owe separate allegiance to two distinct Governments.'

Never a formal application, just the husband interned and her concern turning into also a request for her to be naturalised, so many details missing.

She’s clearly anxious that her husband will just be deported back to Germany and not allowed back into Australia at all (her letter, 20 Feb 1919). He had still not been released as of 25 Sept 1919, when file ends. File for him undigitised: NAA: MP367/1, 567/7/4945. Photograph: NAA: D3597, 5465, TITLE: PRESTON, Max CATEGORY: photograph FORMAT: b&w print STATUS: preservation material