NAA: A1, 1918/2644

Ratke, Mary

Digital copy - 36611


Occupation as writtenHousehold duties in my own home
Standardised occupationDS00: Domestic service - Domestic duties
Application received7 Nov 1917
Application status Approved
Date of approval or denial13 Mar 1918
If rejected, why?
Birthplace as writtenBunbury, Western Australia
Modern countryAustralia
Age on application56
Age on arrival in AustraliaNone
Port of DepartureNone
Port of ArrivalNone
Date of arrivalNone
Name of shipNone


Address in Australia66 Randell St Perth
Address StateWestern Australia
Time at address



9: 2 sons at The Front. Leslie, Ernet. Eva. Hannah. Anton John. Mina. Lilian. two girls married. all in Perth.


Name of referenceHugh Francis McLorley
Occupation of referenceJustice of the Peace (Western Australia)
Marginalia description

Police report attachedYes
Link to other applicant

Why are they applying?

Other information

Further comments

Memorandum, p.8 by Foenander, 1/2/1918: Germ hub interned in Liverpool. They bought a farm when married with her money, but after a few years, he sold everything up and went away. Sent money for a while but since 1907 'he deserted her and left her with a young helpless family to provide for, without any money or asset of any kind'. He paid for a bit, after being sued but then 'absconded'. Has an 'invalid son' and 'aged mother'. Takes in laundry. Two eldest sons in AIR and both wounded and in hospital in ENgland. (bit more detail on op.25)