NAA: A1, 1916/21469

Schimel, Christina

Digital copy - 34887


Occupation as writtenDomestic Duties
Standardised occupationDS00: Domestic service - Domestic duties
Application received1 Mar 1916
Application status Approved
Date of approval or denial14 Sep 1916
If rejected, why?
Birthplace as writtenSetville, Durkedom of Nassan, Germany
Modern countryGermany
Age on application67
Age on arrival in Australia2
Port of DepartureGermany
Port of ArrivalSydney
Date of arrivalNone
Name of shipAustralian
VoyageAustralia (1849-09-11)


Address in Australia49 Willington Street, Waterloo
Address StateNew South Wales
Time at address60 years




Name of referenceEdwin Wthelred Poulton
Occupation of referenceJustice of the Peace (New South Wales)
Marginalia description

Police report attachedYes
Link to other applicant

NAA: A1, 1916/22165: Schimel, Teresa


Why are they applying?

Other information

Further comments

Single. German. 67. Resident 65 yrs. Brother nat in 1858. Memorandum, Foenander, 2/9/16, p3: single. 74. Resident 67 yrs. Brother nat since 1858. ‘Mr. Collins of Collins & Mulholland, Solicitors, Sydney, states that there is no better or worthier citizen in the city.’ – basically identical Memorandum as sister. (Police Report, 28 August 1918, p.4, explains that brother did well in building trade, all in 60s-70s, and all single and living together, the 3 siblings). Approv Sept 1916
see sister, NAA: A1, 1916/22165, Miss Teresa Schimel. – both originally told in March 1916 that would not be proceeded w/, before lawyer wrote case for them being exceptional – age, length of residence, respectability, and both sisters executrixes to their brother’s will should he die (the bits underlined by administrators), Collins & Mulholland, Solicitors, to DEA, 15 August 1916, p.8