Occupation as written | housewife |
Standardised occupation | DS00: Domestic service - Domestic duties |
Application received | 23 Oct 1917 |
Application status | Denied |
Official | A.H. |
Date of approval or denial | 25 Oct 1917 |
If rejected, why? | husband still living |
Birthplace as written | Marrickville, Sydney, New South Wales |
Modern country | Australia |
Age on application | 29 |
Age on arrival in Australia | None |
Port of Departure | None |
Port of Arrival | None |
Date of arrival | None |
Name of ship | None |
Address in Australia | Winmore, Dulacca |
Address State | Queensland |
Time at address |
Married | Yes | |
Children | Yes | 1 boy |
Name of reference | Edward Michael Creedy |
Occupation of reference | Constable of Police, Queensland |
Marginalia description | 'F' p.1 |
Police report attached | No |
Link to other applicant | |
Literate | Yes |
Reason | N/A |
Other information |