NAA: A1, 1906/4167

Henry, Rosalie Rosette

Digital copy - 7081


Occupation as writtenNo occupation
Standardised occupationXX00: Other - Other
Application received2 Jul 1906
Application status Approved
Date of approval or denial24 Aug 1906
If rejected, why?
Birthplace as writtenAlzey, Grand Duchy of Hesse Darmstadt, Germany
Modern countryGermany
Age on application74
Age on arrival in Australia53
Port of DepartureGermany
Port of ArrivalMelbourne
Date of arrival1 Jun 1853
Name of shipMarco Polo
VoyageMarco Polo (1853-06-01)


Address in AustraliaGeorge Hotel, Fitzroy Street, St Kilda, Melbourne
Address StateVictoria
Time at address53 years
Previous address 1Sydney
Address StateNew South Wales
Time at address2 months



3: two sons and one daughter - one son in Melbourne, one in Sydney, and daughter in London.


Name of referenceLouis Henry
Occupation of referenceJustice of the Peace (Victoria)
Marginalia description

Police report attachedNo
Link to other applicant

Why are they applying?

Other information

Further comments

Her ship, the Marco Polo was a three-masted wooden clipper ship, launched in 1851 at Saint John, New Brunswick Marco Polo departed on March 13, 1853 and arrived at Melbourne on May 29 - this information came from other sources, so Rosalie is likely incorrect about her date of arrival (she does not know the day and put June!). Ship transferred to British owners in 1854 and took emigrants to Australia.

Rosalie has named a Referee with the same surname as her own (there may be no connection), but either way she is informed she needs to have a signature by a High Court Judge or police magistrate, and must take the oath again.