NAA: A1,1909/13575

Hansen, Toonee

Digital copy - 5618


Occupation as writtenNurse
Standardised occupationPP08: Public services and Professionals - Medicine
Application received1 Jan 1909
Application status Approved
Date of approval or denial10 Dec 1909
If rejected, why?
Birthplace as writtenChisterazn, Norway
Modern countryNorway
Age on application62
Age on arrival in Australia24
Port of DepartureNorway
Port of ArrivalWilliamstown
Date of arrival22 Jun 1872
Name of shipQueen of Nations
VoyageQueen of the Nations (1872-05-01)


Address in AustraliaSeville
Address StateVictoria
Time at address2 years
Previous address 1Port Melbourne
Address StateVictoria
Time at address30 years
Previous address 2Adelaide
Address StateSouth Australia
Time at address1 years
Previous address 3Melbourne
Address StateVictoria
Time at address4 years




Name of referenceWilliam Owen Ryan
Occupation of referenceState School Teacher, Seville, Victoria
Marginalia description

Police report attachedNo
Link to other applicant

Why are they applying?

Other information

Further comments

Her ship The Queen of Nations was a wooden clipper ship, later a barquentine, and was built at Aberdeen, in 1861, by Walter Hood. Her maiden voyage was made from London to Melbourne the same year. The Queen of Nations, under Captain Donald, went from Plymouth to Melbourne in 87 and 84 days. She was a very rakish looking craft with long overhangs and carried a heavy press of sail, which included double topsails, skysails, main and mizzen sky staysails and also 3 cornered moonsails stretching to the truck of each mast. She was one of the highly-regarded vessels of the Aberdeen White Star Line. For 20 years, this work of ingenuity and pride transported cargo and passengers between London and Sydney. The ship was admired for its speed and sleek lines.
Letters attached asking her to retake her oath as she has taken it in front of the wrong official.