NAA: A1, 1909/13740

Simon, Christiana Theresa

Digital copy - 5648


Occupation as writtenDressmaker
Standardised occupationMF23: Manufacturing - Dress
Application received12 Nov 1909
Application status Approved
Date of approval or denial3 Dec 1909
If rejected, why?
Birthplace as writtenBerlin, Germany
Modern countryGermany
Age on application68
Age on arrival in Australia7
Port of DepartureHamburg
Port of ArrivalAdelaide
Date of arrival4 Dec 1848
Name of shipAlfred
VoyageAlfred (1848-12-10)


Address in Australia7 Frances Street, Sydney
Address StateNew South Wales
Time at address1 years
Previous address 1Germany 1904-1908
Address State
Time at address
Previous address 2Queensland
Address StateQueensland
Time at address1 years
Previous address 3New South Walers - 14 years Victoria - 2 years South Australia - 40 years
Address State
Time at address



4: three females, one residing in Princes Street and two address unknown, and one male residing in North Shore, Sydney.


Name of referenceWalter Carter
Occupation of referenceJustice of the Peace (New South Wales)
Marginalia description

Police report attachedNo
Link to other applicant

Why are they applying?

Other information

Further comments

Christiana's ship the Alfred was 635 tons, Captain H.E. Decker, from Hamburg, Germany 20th August 1848, Rio de Janeiro 17th October, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 6th December 1848. The local newspaper the South Australian Register of Saturday 9th December 1848 says: "the ship Alfred, 635 tons, H.E. Deckrt, Master, from Hamburg. Passengers: Rev. Pastor Kranewiter and Klinkowstrom, Roman Catholic Priest; Doctor Sokolowsky, Surgeon. Frederick and Albert Seyler, Merchant (from Breslau) ; Theodor Treichmann and Lady (from Saxony), mining officer, Josephine Husse, Governess (from Berlin), and G. F. G. Fisher (from Altona) ; 501 / 2 Merchant in the cabin."

The info above gives a full register, with names, but the children not given names or ages. However, this was definitely the ship Christiana travelled on, aged 7 years.