NAA: A1, 1909/13827

Meckelburg, Louise Anna

Digital copy - 5664


Occupation as writtenDomestic duties
Standardised occupationDS00: Domestic service - Domestic duties
Application received10 Nov 1909
Application status Approved
Date of approval or denial3 Dec 1909
If rejected, why?
Birthplace as writtenBernau, Brandenburg,Germany
Modern countryGermany
Age on application48
Age on arrival in Australia16
Port of DepartureGermany
Port of ArrivalBrisbane
Date of arrival6 Oct 1877
Name of shipFritz Reuter
VoyageFritz Reuben (1877-10-06)


Address in AustraliaBrisbane
Address StateQueensland
Time at address29 years
Previous address 1Maryborough
Address StateQueensland
Time at address1 years
Previous address 2Toowoomba
Address StateQueensland
Time at address2 years
Previous address 3Dalby
Address StateQueensland
Time at address-1 years, 9 months



3: sons, living at Brisbane


Name of referenceFrank Aemons
Occupation of referenceJustice of the Peace (Queensland)
Marginalia description

Police report attachedNo
Link to other applicant

Why are they applying?

Other information

Further comments

Louise's ship is recorded on Trove: The immigrants by the Fritz Reuter were brought up to town on Saturday night by the Lady Bowen, the debarkation taking place about half-past ten. Several rockets were sent up as the vessel came up the river. The wharf was lighted up for the occasion, and the landing was effected in safety, with the assistance of the police. Dr. Salmond, the health officer, and Mr. Fees, agent for the vessel, directing the operations. The children were conveyed in drays to the depot, where they were received by Mrs Graham. The others formed a procession and turned into East-street by Captain Hunter's — the married people being first, then the single men, and lastly the single girls. There were 73 married couples, 94 single men, 29 single girls, 107 children under the age of twelve, and 15 infants — the aggregate equivalent being 323½ statute adults. Every thing was ready for them at the depot, a nice hot supper steaming on the tables, and the various wards, beds and blankets, as clean and wholesome as a new pin. On Sunday morning there was a hitch, the contractor, through some un-explained cause, failing to deliver the bread and there were only 24 loaves in hand. The single men and women are likely-looking colonists, being strong and healthy ; but some of the families look rather sickly. They all appear to be orderly and quiet. The voyage was marked by a good many squalls and thunderstorms. Off the Cape, and when running down the longitude, they experienced some very rough weather, with snow, hail, and rain ; and in one squall the captain ran some risk of being washed overboard. However, the good ship, with her gallant commander, weathered the gale, and arrived safely at her destination on the 4th of October, after a voyage of 109 days, in the course of which fifteen deaths occurred, chiefly of young children from whooping cough. (continues re work etc)