NAA: A1, 1909/12729

Hampe, Wilhelmena

Digital copy - 5464


Occupation as writtenOrdinary domestic duties
Standardised occupationDS00: Domestic service - Domestic duties
Application received10 Nov 1909
Application status Approved
Date of approval or denial3 Dec 1909
If rejected, why?
Birthplace as writtenBerlin, Prussia
Modern countryGermany
Age on application63
Age on arrival in Australia17
Port of DepartureHamburg
Port of ArrivalBrisbane
Date of arrival1 Nov 1863
Name of shipSan Francisco
VoyageSan Francisco (1863-11-30)


Address in AustraliaBowen
Address StateQueensland
Time at address45 years
Previous address 1Brisbane
Address StateQueensland
Time at address-1 years, 8 months



5: three males, two females.

One male and two females in Bowen, Queensland; one male in Mareeba, North Queensland; and one male in Atherton, Queensland.


Name of referenceDonald Miller
Occupation of referenceJustice of the Peace (Queensland)
Marginalia description

Police report attachedNo
Link to other applicant

Why are they applying?

Other information

Further comments

Found her ship on Trove - The Brisbane Courier 18 December 1863 reports: The German barque San Francisco, 404 tons left Hamburg on the 9th of August last, and proceeded to sea....under the command of Captain Nicholas Stortenbecker. She has on board about 264 German immigrants, the larger number of whom have been brought out under the auspices of the German immigration agency...There are among them about 60 or 70 single men, and a large number are skilled mechanics. The average amount of sickness was prevalent during the passage, and the diseases were of the usual type, chiefly catarrhal affections. There were also cases of gastric fever, hydrocephalus, and diarrhoea. In all there were eleven deaths, all infants, from these diseases... There were during the passage five births, three were males, and two females. At the time of the Health Officer's visit on Friday November 27th, the only cases of illness were three persons who were suffering from debility, and therefore he passed the vessel. Arrangements were made to land the passengers...and they were brought up to town...on the 30th November.