NAA: A1, 1915/10359

Kuntze, Margaret M.

Digital copy - 33007


Occupation as writtenHouse Keeper
Standardised occupationDS03: Domestic service - Other service
Application received14 Jun 1915
Application status Approved
Date of approval or denial16 Jul 1915
If rejected, why?
Birthplace as writtenCardiff, Wales
Modern countryUnited Kingdom
Age on application75
Age on arrival in Australia1
Port of DepartureLondon
Port of ArrivalPort Phillip
Date of arrival1 Dec 1841
Name of shipAlexandra
VoyageAlexandra (1841-12-01)


Address in Australia311 Fitzroy Street, Fitzroy
Address StateVictoria
Time at address27 years
Previous address 1Portland
Address StateVictoria
Time at address19 years
Previous address 2Warrnambool
Address StateVictoria
Time at address28 years



4. 1 girl. Castlemaine. 3 sons, Queensland and Melbourne


Name of referenceWilliam Allan Heffie
Occupation of referencePostmaster, Carlton, Victoria
Marginalia description

'Note: Husband was a German born in Mecklenburg on Schwerin. not naturalized applicant called in person. C.S.S.'

Police report attachedYes
Link to other applicant

Why are they applying?

Other information

Further comments

Police Report, Constable Noseby, Melbourne, Victoria Police, 27 June 1915: 'applicant is carrying on Lodging house... for the past ten months' and lived w/ married daughter before this, Mrs Daniel O'Shea in Castlemaine for 2 years. Son in law there is a letter sorter at Post Office. Already receiving the Old Age Pension! From his queries, 'applicant is a very respectable old woman + there is nothing known against her character here' and doesn't know any Germans.