NAA: A1, 1923/24637

Rosenthal, Cornelia

Digital copy - 3223779


Occupation as writtenGentlewoman
Standardised occupationRE00: Rentier - Miscellaneous status
Application received24 Apr 1917
Application status Multiple applications
Date of approval or denial20 Sep 1917
If rejected, why?enemy alien 1917. approved 1923
Birthplace as writtenVienna, Austria
Modern countryAustria
Age on application62
Age on arrival in Australia23
Port of DepartureVienna
Port of ArrivalMelbourne
Date of arrival27 May 1877
Name of shipTravaincere
VoyageTravaincere (1877-05-27)


Address in Australia25 Tooronga Road, Auburn, Melbourne
Address StateVictoria
Time at address39 years, 11 months




Name of referenceJohn Dish
Occupation of referenceJustice of the Peace, Richmond, Victoria
Marginalia description


(husband died Dec 1888: Not naturalized)

Police report attachedYes
Link to other applicant

Why are they applying?

Other information

Further comments

Police Report, Constable E. Coughlin, Hawthorn Station, Melbourne, 1 May 1917: Her deceased husband was an Hungarian 'pipe manufacturer carrying on business in Melbourne for years prior to his death' 29 years before. 'She has no German or Austrian relation, her friends of either of those nationalies, except her sister Philippine Nan Ambio who is living with her. She is possessed of no property except the furniture which is in her home which is valued at about £250 She receives £1 per week from a Mr Grey for whom she is housekeeping and has been housekeeping for him for the last 25 years.' She says not nat. sooner because late husband's business was so big, 'she was under the impression that it was not necessary[.] She has not complied with the Alien Registration Regulations... she did not think that she had to do so. The Applicant appears to be a respectable old lady' and says no reason not to grant nat.
Memorandum, DEA, W. Bamander, 9/5/17 (summarising police report): handwritten underneath: 'Approved NUUG 11/5/17' but under that in different hand 'Certificate not issues. Cabinet declined to accept this class of application. RWR 20/9/17)

Applies again in Oct 1923 successfully.